Data Equilibrium LLC (DataEq) has the ability to host email accounts for DataEq clients and/or send email messages on behalf of DataEq clients using the DataEq platform. DataEq acts as a service provider to its clients, primarily small businesses and non-profit organizations. The DataEq platform has the ability to do a variety of things, such as host web sites, manage lists of contacts and marketing preferences, send campaigns, and track campaign results. DataEq does not have a contractual relationship with recipients of any messages that clients send using the DataEq platform.
DataEq require its clients, including the sender of any emails that you may have received, to use the platform responsibly, in accordance to their respective privacy policies. Since the DataEq platform can be used as a business email server provider and/or as a campaign management, reporting potentially unwanted, unsolicited email may have to be done a few ways:
In the event that you continue to receive unsolicited messages sent through the platform (or purporting to be sent through the platform), please forward a copy of that message with your comments to for review.